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Rules for Carrier @ _____:
[Updated Nov 12, 2016]


- Carrier-based aircraft only!!


This means only military aircraft with a tailhook, AoA indexer/ HUD AoA bracket AND launch bar may participate. Helicopters and tiltrotors are allowed, but they must be of Navy or Marine type and rated for carrier operations as well.

- Please remain near host airport.

No hops. The "Carrier @" server is meant for carrier operations and only carrier operations. However, Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP) is permitted at host airport.

- Please set your carrier at correct waypoint.

Players conducting carrier ops on any other carrier than at the stated waypoint will be considered as a non-participant and may result in a kick from the server.


- [NEW]  Players conducting a proper carrier pattern have right-of-way.

During CASE I and II Operations, players flying the carrier pattern according to the NATOPS manual of their aircraft have priority over aircraft flying straight in or approaching in another way other than the described NATOPS approved pattern. This means aircraft extending their downwind of the carrier must give way to aircraft correctly performing the pattern, even if they are in the groove (on final). Players correctly operating in accordance to the NATOPS manual also have the right to tell another aircraft in the pattern to wave-off over voice or in-game chat, if they feel the other aircraft will inhibit them from landing on the ship.

    = Highlights a word or phrase that has been

added or changed since the last rules update.




[NEW]= Marks a new rule that has been recently added to the page since the last update.


[Changed]= Marks an existing rule that has been altered to change its meaning since the last update.

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